Zeina Raya’s Montreal Massage Therapy, Naturopathic Practice and Polarity Practice
Zeina Raya is a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Polarity and Reiki practitioner in Montreal
Fully dedicated to health and well-being, this site contains information lifestyle, physical activity, massages, naturopathy and energy healing therapy like Reiki and Polarity, as well as useful health tips.
Zeina Raya’s Massage Therapy, Naturopathic Practice and Polarity Practice is a natural health care clinic located in Montreal near the Monk subway station. Naturopathy, Massage Therapy and Polarity are renowned alternative medicines that have been proven to be effective in the treatment and prevention of many health problems. Zeina Raya is a Massage Therapist, Naturopath, Reiki Practitioner, Polarity Pratitionner, Lithotherapy Practitioner and Health Consultant. She is a sports, maternity and fitness specialist.
Whatever your needs or fitness level, she offers a wide range of personalized services in Montreal to help you reach your goals.
Moreover, Zeina Raya uses top-quality eco-friendly care products of plant origin, all environmentally safe and respectful of animal ethics, which are causes that are dear to her.
Certifications and Prices
Consumers and businesses in the Montreal region have chosen Zeina Raya as the recipient of the 2021 Consumer Choice Award in the category: Naturopath - Island of Montreal.
Zeina Raya is a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Polarity and Reiki practitioner in Montreal
Consumers and businesses in the Montreal region have chosen Zeina Raya as the recipient of the 2021 Consumer Choice Award in the category: Naturopath - Island of Montreal.
Member of RITMA Association (Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative) as Massotherapist and a Naturopath
Naturopath Degree from the Collège des Médecines Douces du Québec
Massotherapy Degree from the Académie de Massage Scientifique de Laval
Reiki Practitioner Degree (Master Robyn Stroll) Montréal Reiki
Polarity Therapist Degree (École de Polarité Michaël Plamondon)
Lithotherapy Practitioner Degree (Master Robyn Stroll) Montréal Reiki