What’s Reiki?
Zeina Raya is a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Polarity and Reiki practitioner in Montreal
Reiki is an energy healing practice that comes from Japan.
In Japanese, "Rei" means Universal Energy; it’s the energy that surrounds us and it includes material, soul and spirit. "Ki" means the Life Force that flows through us; it is recognised in many oriental medicines such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Reiki is the Universal Life Force Energy, channelled through the therapist hands to awaken a dynamic healing process.
According to oriental medicine, we are not only our physical body; we are also our soul, our feelings and our thoughts. In quantum physics, everything comes down to a root level of energy; there is no such thing as solid matter. The Universal Life Force Energy at all these levels, since these levels are interrelated.
The benefits of Reiki
Zeina Raya is a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Polarity and Reiki practitioner in Montreal
Reiki helps to harmonize and balance the body's energy centers, releasing tension, physical and emotional blockages; leaving you revitalized and deeply relaxed.
Reiki is a good addition to any medical treatment; it helps cell regeneration and reduces pain. Reiki gives you a feeling of general well-being, inner peace and also promotes personal transformation.
Conducive to health, Reiki is also used in disease prevention.
Who can use a Reiki session?
Zeina Raya is a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, Polarity and Reiki practitioner in Montreal
Reiki is a gentle medicine and causes no adverse side effects. Both adults and children can enjoy the benefits. During a Reiki session, you are filled with a deep sense of well-being and relaxation. Reiki heals you at every level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Reiki is not a religion, although is also works at an energetical level; a Reiki treatment requires no special spiritual journey.